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Parteneri Strategici
La Smartnet Telecom colaboram cu branduri de renume international pentru a asigura calitatea superioara a produselor noastre. Printre partenerii nostri strategici se numara producatori de incredere, care pun accent pe inovatie si performanta, precum:

Computer Products We Offer

Voice Over IP is a technology which allows users to make voice calls using broadband internet rather than a regular phone line. This technology makes conference calls easier than ever before. As long as you have a decent internet connection, then you can take a call from anywhere in your office.
Voice Over IP is a technology which allows users to make voice calls using broadband internet rather than a regular phone line. This technology makes conference calls easier than ever before. As long as you have a decent internet connection, then you can take a call from anywhere in your office.

De ce Smartnet Telecom?
Cu ani de experienta pe piata echipamentelor IT, intelegem cerintele complexe ale clientilor nostri din mediul business.
Produse de calitate
Lucram doar cu branduri recunoscute la nivel global, oferind echipamente certificate si fiabile.
Solutii personalizate
Indiferent de domeniul de activitate, gasim cele mai potrivite produse care sa raspunda cerintelor companiei dvs.
Stocuri disponibile
Asiguram livrari rapide datorita stocurilor generoase de produse populare.
Preturi corporate
Oferim pachete avantajoase si reduceri pentru clientii business, incluzand termene de plata extinse si discount pentru achizitii de volum.
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